What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a principle that requires manufacturers, importers and distributors of certain products to finance or organize the prevention and management of their end-of-life waste.
Does EPR apply to me?
If you manufacture, import or distribute products in France for use by private individuals, it's important to check whether you are subject to the EPR law. You can do this by consulting the list of products concerned on the ADEME website, or by contacting an eco-organization. Depending on the products you market, you'll need to register with at least one eco-organization in charge of packaging recycling. CompliancR analyzes your product codes FREE OF CHARGE and tells you which eco-organizations you need to register with to obtain a UIN (Unique Digital Identifier), which will enable you to declare your marketings and pay the eco-contributions due. We also offer additional services, from registering with eco-organizations and obtaining your UIN to annual declaration and payment of eco-contributions.
As a small producer, am I also affected by EPR ?
Yes, even small-scale producers are concerned by EPR. Obligations EPR can be simplified for small producers, but it is important to comply with current regulations.
I sell my products online. Am I subject to EPR ?
Yes, if you sell your products online, you are subject to EPR in the same way as if you sold them in-store. In addition, since the AGEC law came into force on January 1, 2022, if you sell your products on marketplaces, they are required to declare your quantities put on the market and pay on your behalf the eco-contributions they charge back to you, generally by deducting commissions often accompanied by management fees. By registering directly with the eco-organizations, you obtain Unique Digital Identifiers (UIN) which you then pass on to your marketplaces, so that they no longer charge you any fees linked to EPR. CompliancR enables you to carry out all these registrations in a single operation, and takes care of obtaining your UINs which you can then pass on to your marketplaces.
What are my obligations as a producer subject to EPR ?
As a producer subject to the EPR law, you have several obligations, in particular : - Join an approved eco-organization - Pay a financial contribution to the eco-organization - Transmit information on the products you market - Implement waste prevention initiatives
What is an eco-organization?
An eco-organization is a government-approved body that implements EPR for one or more types of product. It is responsible for collecting, sorting, recycling and disposing of waste from the products concerned.
Which products are covered by EPR ?
A large number of products are subject to EPR, organized into channels such as: - Household packaging - Graphic paper - Electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - Furniture - Tires - Batteries and accumulators - Textiles and footwear - Toys - DIY and garden items - Non-medicated health products - Sporting and leisure goods, etc. CompliancR has built an algorithm based on Artificial Intelligence that automatically determines the channels in which to declare your products and calculates the amount of eco-contributions due for each Scheme.
How do I register at EPR ?
To comply with EPR, you need to join an approved eco-organization for each type of product you put on the market. Individual registrations are time-consuming, as each eco-organization has its own registration process. CompliancR determines the channels to which you belong according to the products you sell, and offers you the option of registering automatically with the eco-organizations.
How do I calculate my financial contribution to EPR ?
The amount of your financial contribution to EPR is calculated according to several criteria, such as the quantity of products you put on the market, the type of product, the materials it is made of and its weight. Each eco-organization establishes an annual scale based on its own criteria, and they don't always have the staff available to answer your questions during the declaration period. CompliancR makes it your responsibility to know all the scale details, our Artificial Intelligence algorithms automatically detect the scales to be applied to each of your products and determine the eco-contribution to be applied.
How can I keep up to date with developments at EPR ?
The EPR regulations are constantly evolving. It's important to keep abreast of the latest developments by consulting the ADEME or eco-organization websites, to avoid any failure to meet your obligations, which could result in fines of up to €75,000. By entrusting CompliancR with the management of your EPR obligations, you are kept informed of developments at EPR via a monthly newsletter, and can track all tasks to be carried out via your online account.
What are the risks of not complying with my obligations EPR ?
Extended Producer Responsibility is a legal obligation enshrined in the AGEC law, which applies according to the "polluter pays" principle. Failure to comply with your obligations EPR may result in substantial financial penalties, or even criminal prosecution.
What to do in the event of an inspection EPR
Eco-organizations and the French Ministry for Ecological Transition may carry out checks on annual marketing declarations. In the event of an inspection EPR, it is important to be able to present the inspection body with all the documents proving your compliance with the regulations. These documents include your eco-organization membership certificate, product declarations and proof of payment of financial contributions. CompliancR provides you with direct access to all these documents via your online account, enabling you to respond to requests from inspection bodies.