
Steps to compliance EPR :

EPR in France is complex, and your EPR compliance process as a producer requires a lot of hard work! CompliancR offers you the opportunity to reduce this burden considerably.
Written by
Sabine Givelet
Published on
September 5, 2024

EPR in France is complex, and as a producer, your path to EPR compliance requires a lot of hard work, which can be summed up chronologically as follows:


- First of all, find out which supply chains your products depend on. 

- Contact the eco-organizations in charge of these channels and learn about their rules and the proposed contract.

- Choosing eco-organizations when there is more than one

- Join these eco-organizations by logging on to their intranet.

- Check that you have obtained your UINs or, if you already holdUINs, check their validity with ADEME.

- Check your email inbox regularly to make sure you don't miss any deadlines for declarations or regulatory and pricing updates.

- Each year, you have to make your declarations to each eco-organization to which you belong. For each product, you'll need to find the right eco-contribution scale from among the many on offer, for each Scheme


Each eco-organization has its own registration procedure, which means that if your products fall into 4 categories, for example, you'll probably have to register with 4 eco-organizations, adapting to a different procedure each time and entering your information 4 times before joining. Worse still, when you have to make your annual marketing declarations, how are you going to sort out between simplified and non-simplified declarations, half-yearly and annual invoicing, and how do you find the right eco-participation scale?


This also means that you will receive the same number of emails confirming registration, providing information, opening declarations, reminders, etc.


With CompliancR, you can reduce this burden considerably.

Our platform allows you to provide your company information just once, list your products and CompliancR takes care of the rest.

- Automatic detection of the channels to which your products belong.

- Automatic detection of eco-contribution scales for all eco-organizations in charge of the Scheme concerned.

- Membership of each eco-organization concerned.

- Close monitoring of your memberships and retrieval of your UINs files, essential for the pursuit of your commercial activity on French territory.

- Access your personalized diary at any time, so you can see at a glance the important dates for your future declarations.

- As soon as you open your declarations, all you have to do is enter the quantities sold in year n-1, which CompliancR will then communicate to each eco-organization.

- Invoicing eco-organizations and paying eco-participations will also be greatly facilitated.

- Our blog and FAQ will help you find the answer to your question. What's more, our team of experts is always on hand to help you achieve compliance via our chat service. EPR

CompliancR offers you 4 levels of service, from FREE eco-contribution for the products you sell, to full compliance management EPR.

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