
How can I optimize the management of my obligations EPR ?

All the steps you need to take to become compliant EPR. A tedious job that CompliancR can do for you
Written by
Sabine Givelet
Published on
May 20, 2024

There are many, sometimes complex, steps to follow in order to comply with EPR in France.

You are a Producer as defined by EPR and must therefore contribute financially to the treatment of your end-of-life products.

Here are the steps you need to take to comply:

1. Identification of products subject to EPR

  • List of products: The first step is to determine whether your products are concerned by a Scheme EPR . You can find the complete list on the ADEME website.
  • Identifying EPR channels: Each product subject to EPR is linked to a specific Scheme channel. It is important to identify the Scheme EPR corresponding to your products.

Please note that a single product can be linked to several different channels. For example, a watch can be disposed of in 3 different ways: Electrical and Electronic Waste (EEE) for the watch itself, Batteries (PA) for the battery supplied with the watch, and finally Scheme Household Packaging (EMBM) for any instructions and packaging used to ship your item.

2. Membership of the eco-organizations to which your products belong:

  • Choosing an eco-organization: You must choose the eco-organization(s) approved for the EPR channels to which your products are subject. The list of approved eco-organizations is available on the ADEME website.
  • Obtaining a unique identifier: On completion of your membership (as many memberships as you have channels EPR), you will receive a Unique Digital Identifier (UIN) by Scheme. This identifier, the key to continuing to market your products in France, must appear on your contractual documents and in your legal notices on your e-commerce site.

Watch out!

* Some sectors may be managed by several eco-organizations.

* Some eco-organizations can manage more than one channel

* Operating rules are specific to each eco-organization.

‍3. Declaration of marketings and payment of eco-participations:

  • Transmitting data: Each year, you must send the eco-organizations on which you depend information on the products you put on the market. This information notably concerns the quantity of products placed on the market, the type of packaging, and the materials used, enabling the eco-organizations to calculate your eco-contributions‍
  • Contributions EPR : Each year, you must pay these eco-contributions to the various eco-organizations. These eco-contributions finance the prevention and waste management of your end-of-life products. The amount of eco-participations, also known as scales, are reviewed each year by the eco-organizations and calculated according to several criteria, such as the type of product, the quantity placed on the market and the actual costs of recycling and reuse.‍
  • Compliance with contractual obligations: You must comply with the contractual obligations defined in your membership contract with the eco-organization. These obligations may include implementing preventive actions, communicating EPR to your customers, etc.

4. Controls and penalties :

  • Controls by the authorities: Producers may be subject to controls by the competent authorities in order to verify their compliance with EPR obligations.
  • Penalties for non-compliance: In the event of non-compliance, producers may be subject to administrative penalties such as fines.

In addition to these general rules, it is important to keep abreast of regulatory developments specific to each Scheme EPR . You can find more information on the websites of eco-organizations and ADEME.

Now imagine an application that could automatically and safely do the following for you

  • Detection of the channels concerned by each of your products and the associated price scale
  • Membership of eco-organizations and the recovery of your UIN
  • The processing of your annual marketing declarations to the eco-organizations and the payment of your eco-participations
  • Track your periodic declarations via your personalized diary and deadline notifications.
  • Up to date information on all your obligations EPR linked to the display and labeling of your products.

CompliancR automates this process for you, saving you precious time and providing you with a guarantee of compliance.

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