
Eco-contributions: significant increases on July 1, 2024

Eco-taxes for a number of sectors will be significantly increased from July 1 to reflect the challenges and developments in the recycling and waste management sector.
Written by
Sabine Givelet
Published on
June 10, 2024

Significant increase in EPR eco-taxes in France from July 1, 2024.

The main reasons for these increases are consecutive:

  • ‍Aureinforcement of Environmental Regulations:

France's AGEC law imposes stricter criteria for the recyclability, reuse and reduction of waste. These new obligations require additional investments and improvements in waste treatment processes.

  • Rising treatment and recycling costs:

Waste treatment is becoming increasingly costly due to the growing complexity of products and the need for advanced recycling technologies.

  • Infrastructure investment:

To meet the growing demands of recycling and waste treatment, eco-organizations or their partners have to invest in new infrastructure and technology, which increases operating costs.

  • Increases in collection costs

Collection costs are on the rise due to rising energy, fuel and wage costs. In addition, collection logistics often need to be improved to better separate and sort waste.

  • Fluctuating markets for recycled materials:

Prices for recycled materials such as paper, plastics and metals can fluctuate on the world market. A drop in prices can reduce the revenues of eco-organizations, necessitating increases in contributions to compensate.

  • The quality and quantity of the waste collected:

The quality of recyclable materials collected may decline, making the sorting and recycling process more costly. In addition, declining volumes in certain streams, such as paper, increase unit costs.

  • Awareness-raising and education:

Public awareness and education campaigns on sorting and recycling also represent additional costs for eco-organizations.

Taken together, these factors explain the increase in eco-contributions, which are necessary to finance improvements and meet new environmental requirements.


The rate of increase varies according to the sector and the eco-organization.

Not all eco-organizations have applied increases in 2024. Some did so in 2023 and are maintaining their tariffs in 2024, while others will pass on tariff increases during the year or in 2025.

Here are just a few examples:

- Scheme du Bâtiment has raised its rates by an average of 25% in 2024.

- La Scheme du Textile, Linge de maison et Chaussures has increased eco-contributions by an average of 20% in 2023, with these rates still in force in 2024.

- The Scheme of Electrical and Electronic Elements has seen record increases on certain products such as smartphones, for which an eco-contribution has risen from €0.02 per unit to €1.67 in 2024, an increase of over 8300%.

CompliancR means you won't be caught unprepared when the time comes to make your next marketing declaration.

We have anticipated these increases in our algorithms, and our application will be able to distinguish between products put on the French market before and after the increase date, so you can pay the right price.

In addition, since it is MANDATORY to display the eco-participation price at the time of sale for the EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and EA (Elements d'Ameublement) sectors, our platform will show you the eco-participation amounts to be displayed for each of your products from July 1.

This means you can pass on the increase in your prices, without affecting your sales margin!

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