While many of you are getting back to work after a well-deserved summer break, we at CompliancR have taken the time this summer to :
1. Analyze our offer
2. Listen again to the exchanges we had with our prospects
3. Understand their specific compliance challenges EPR
4. Identify a value proposition and a coherent business model
We therefore decided to adapt our business model on a "Pay as you use" basis, breaking with the usual SaaS model
Why? One-size-fits-all subscription models often force customers to pay for services they don't always need.
Our flexible approach means that you only pay for what you need, while retaining the option of delegating more tasks to us if the need arises.
No monthly fees or long-term commitments, just permanent access to our platform and our team of experts in the field EPR with 4 formulas:
1) Totally free and unlimited: Our platform, powered by Artificial Intelligence, automatically provides you with the amount of eco-contributions linked to a product, regardless of the number of products you market. This enables you to estimate the eco-contributions you will have to pay to eco-organizations.
2) €60 per Scheme : We take care of registering you with the eco-organizations to which your products belong, and receive your UINs. (single procedure)
3) 120€ per Scheme : Our platform calculates the eco-contributions due and sends you your completed declaration file. (annual procedure)
4) 150€ per Scheme +3% of the amount of your eco-contributions: We take care of the transmission, payment on your behalf and follow-up of your marketing declarations to the eco-organizations. This Premium formula guarantees you certified declarations. (annual procedure)
So don't hesitate, sign up in just a few clicks and test the power of our digital platform for free.